

Redlands alumnus helps skiers prepare for 2022 Winter 奥运会

U.S. 滑雪 & 滑雪运动发展协调员乔什·布洛克,03届, ’11 (right) began his career at the U of R and now directs all facets of performance for the U.S. 自由式大亨队.

作为美国体育发展协调员.S. 滑雪 & 滑雪板,乔什·布洛克03年11年有很多责任. 在过去的五年里, 他的角色已经发展到包括许多方面——教练, 应用运动科学家, 康复治疗专业, 合作服务商, 和更多的. 然而, 每一个方面都有同样的责任:发展, 改善, 并保护优秀运动员的表现.

总部设在美国犹他州帕克城.S. 滑雪 & 滑雪板 is the Olympic National Governing Body of ski and 滑雪板 sports in the United States. 截至2021年, the organization represents nearly 200 elite skiers and 滑雪板ers competing in seven teams; alpine, 越野, freeski, 自由泳, 滑雪板, 以及北欧组合滑雪和跳台滑雪.

Bullock views his time at the U of R as a “jumping point for everything.”

除了精英队伍外,美国足球协会.S. 滑雪 & 滑雪板 also provides leadership and direction for thousands of young skiers and 滑雪板ers across the country and empowers national teams, 俱乐部, 教练, 父母, 官员, 志愿者, 以及致力于体育运动发展的球迷.

In his role, Bullock directs all facets of athletic development and performance for the U.S. 自由式大亨队. 2月6日, Jaelin考夫, 他的一个运动员, won a silver medal during the 2022 Beijing Winter 奥运会—the country’s first Olympic medal in women’s mogul skiing since 2014.

布洛克说他当学生运动员的时候, 晚些时候, an employee at the 威尼斯人平台 laid the foundation for a successful career in athletics.


As a liberal studies major and a defensive back on the Redlands football team, Bullock set his sights on becoming a physical education teacher. But when Director of 体育运动 Jeff Martinez hired Scott Fricke ’04 as the University’s first head strength and conditioning coach in 2002, 布洛克走上了一条全新的职业道路.

“从那一刻起,我知道我不想成为一个P.E. 不再是老师了,”他回忆道. “[With strength and conditioning] I knew that I could be involved in a lot of sports—I was a three-sport athlete in high school and had a love for sports in general. Sport performance training allowed me to capture all of that and it changed my trajectory.”

在弗里克的指导下, Bullock 改善d his own athletic performance and learned what it took to man年龄 a fitness center and work with student-athletes. 2006年,弗里克决定离开哈佛大学, 他打电话给布洛克,推荐他申请这份工作.

“Jeff [Martinez] and the search committee trusted a guy who had never been a head strength and conditioning coach before to take over the program. Once you have a position like that on your resume, it’s a game-changer,” Bullock said.

作为雷德兰兹的头部力量和体能教练, 布洛克管理着健身中心, 其中包括计划和组织活动, 监督预算, 维护大楼及其设备, 领导人事决策, 起草和执行政策和程序, 和更多的. He also led a project to redesign and re构建 the Boneyard—an outdoor training facility utilized by Bulldog student-athletes—brokered a sponsorship deal with Muscle Milk, and worked with 教练 to recruit and retain student-athletes. 同时, Bullock began to develop his skills in research and instruction by contributing to strength and conditioning publications, 在会议上做报告, and teaching a First-Year Seminar on athletic performance to incoming students.

“乔希是一只斗牛犬,”马丁内斯说. “我知道雷德兰兹对他来说很重要. While he might have been a little short on experience, he wasn’t short on dedication and desire. The attributes that made him successful here have made him successful elsewhere.”  

在雷德兰兹工作了五年之后, 布洛克随后被三所威尼斯人平台聘用来发展, 实现, 以及直接的力量和调节项目. 一个是位于基灵顿的基灵顿山威尼斯人平台, Vermont—a winter term ski academy that gave him a granular look at the mechanics of skiing and winter athletic performance.


布洛克继续在美国电影协会开辟自己的道路.S. 滑雪 & 滑雪板 and most recently facilitated an innovative partnership with Intermountain Healthcare TOSH—The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital. The collaboration takes advant年龄 of TOSH’s sports science lab to test athletes’ movements to gather data that will help them recover from an injury and enhance their training plan to achieve a competitive advant年龄.

Bullock says that the partnership is mutually beneficial to both organizations because of its interdisciplinary nature. Intermountain boasts sophisticated testing equipment and the work of an exemplary biomechanist, 比尔·麦克德莫特, 博士学位. 有了实验室的研究成果和麦克德莫特的合作, 布洛克正在寻找新的接近方式, 构建, and 实现 different aspects of physical preparation while coaching top-tier athletes at U.S. 滑雪 & 滑雪板.

根据最近的一项研究 山间新闻发布, the lab uses high-speed 3D motion capture sensors that are attached to an athlete’s body and the floor to analyze their movement. 同时进行一系列的练习, the highly sensitive cameras track how their bodies move and see deficiencies that the human eye can’t.

First-time Olympian and Killington Mountain School alumna Hannah Soar benefitted from the partnership after suffering an ankle injury four years ago. The sports science team determined that she was favoring one ankle over the other and adapted her training plan to optimize her movements to prepare her to ski moguls at the 2022 Beijing Winter 奥运会.

Bullock learned to man年龄 contracts and form partnerships at 雷德兰兹, 作为一名教练和商学院的学生 & 协会的管理学硕士课程. He views his time at the University as a “jumping point for everything.”

“当我在雷德兰兹的时候, there was an idea that nothing is keeping you from being successful,他说. “这是唯一的选择. I developed the ability to grow and persevere, and that’s what being a Bulldog means to me.”

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